City Centre Site Closure & Asset Management
Lynx UK recently completed a substantial site closure and asset recovery operation within a major city centre. As there were no goods lift available to use, and the bulk of the equipment was on the 27th floor and rooftop, our removal engineers had to remove telecoms equipment directly from the racks.
Our engineering team took care to protect the building walls and personnel lift while carrying out this decommissioning work. All work was done out of hours to ensure minimal disruption to the building tenants.
As part of site decommissioning work, we de-gassed and de-installed air conditioning systems from all areas and recovered a generator from the basement, the egress route of which had effectively been cut off with the development of a new building next door. This generator was eventually removed via a crane working in partnership with the developers. All work was carried out in accordance with WEEE directives.
In total our asset management team recovered 265 racks of telecoms equipment from the site alongside UPS systems, ODF’s, DDF’s, and ancillary network support equipment.
Are you looking for WEEE certified asset management and decommissioning services? Lynx UK offers full engineering services, inventory management, and deinstallation. Get in touch with our team to find out how Lynx UK can help you.